Project by Marcondes Geraldo Coelho Junior
Traditional communities are subject to pressure and threats at different levels: from changes due to extreme climate events to economic and political crises, which change the way ecosystems are used by people, impacting on socio-cultural practices. The residents of Quilombo do Campinho da Independência, in Paraty, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, develop their traditional activities based on agroforestry systems. Quilombo do Campinho da Independência has more than 287.000 hectares and has a population of 59 families, totaling approximately 500 people. Its current residents would be descendants of the first black slaves who achieved freedom before 1888.
When considering the soil as a basic natural resource for the provision of ecosystem services and that many traditional communities develop a cultural relationship with soil management and conservation practices, the studies on ethnopedology should be based on a holistic evaluation of the ecosystem services conservation. Ethnopedology focuses on the human-soil interface, as well as the related landscape ethnoecology processes (building ecological knowledge, practices, and culture). The main objective this project is to evaluate the current socio-ecological resilience status of the Traditional Community of Quilombo do Campinho da Independência, relating it to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, the ecosystem services provided by the soil and to human rights for the families to remain in their territory, based on the citizen science. With this project, we hope that residents will be able to obtain a technical-scientific document on the territory that they have been struggling to guarantee land rights and associated uses. Thus, it will be able to contribute locally to better management of natural resources and land use planning, and nationally to the implementation of the Política Nacional de Gerenciamento Territorial e Ambiental de Quilombos (national policy).
To assist in his conversations with the Quilombolas, Marcondes developed an illustrated guide about soils. The guide, which is written in Portuguese can be viewed and downloaded here: Guia_Solos_Ilustrado

Meeting with the farmers of Quilombo, discussing the project to build together the steps of the fieldwork. (February 6th, 2020; Location: AMOQC Headquarters)

Meeting with the farmers of Quilombo, discussing the project to build together the steps of the fieldwork. (February 6th, 2020; Location: AMOQC Headquarters)

Meeting with the farmers of Quilombo, discussing the project to build together the steps of the fieldwork. (February 6th, 2020; Location: AMOQC Headquarters)

Meeting with Ronaldo Santos, local leadership and president of AMOQC. We spoke about the project implementation strategies and the next actions to be taken. (January 8th, 2020; Location: Quilombo do Campinho Restaurant)

Typical food served by the Quilombo Restaurant.

Typical food served by the Quilombo Restaurant.

The Quilombo Restaurant's kitchen.

The Quilombo Restaurant's kitchen.

Community souvenir shop "Casa de Artesanato" (October 14, 2019; Location: Quilombo do Campinho, Paraty, RJ)

Community souvenir shop "Casa de Artesanato" (October 14, 2019; Location: Quilombo do Campinho, Paraty, RJ)

Community souvenir shop "Casa de Artesanato" (October 14, 2019; Location: Quilombo do Campinho, Paraty, RJ)

Local cultural event "Encontro da Cultura Negra do Quilombo do Campinho" (November 22nd to 23rd, 2019; Location: Quilombo do Campinho, Paraty,RJ)

Local cultural event "Encontro da Cultura Negra do Quilombo do Campinho" (November 22nd to 23rd, 2019; Location: Quilombo do Campinho, Paraty,RJ)

Local cultural event "Encontro da Cultura Negra do Quilombo do Campinho" (November 22nd to 23rd, 2019; Location: Quilombo do Campinho, Paraty,RJ)

Local cultural event "Encontro da Cultura Negra do Quilombo do Campinho" (November 22nd to 23rd, 2019; Location: Quilombo do Campinho, Paraty,RJ)

Local cultural event "Encontro da Cultura Negra do Quilombo do Campinho" (November 22nd to 23rd, 2019; Location: Quilombo do Campinho, Paraty,RJ)

Meeting with women delegates of AMOQC to discuss the project and the strengthening of family agriculture and gender issues. (October 12nd, 2019; Location: AMOQC Headquarters)

Agroforestry at Quilombo do Campinho

Participation in the event honoring women from traditional communities in Paraty. In this photograph, Marcondes is seen with researcher Eliane Silva (Embrapa Agrobiology) and Ivanilde Guarany (leader of the indigenous land Aldeia Itaxĩ Mirim, by Guarani Mbyá Indigenous People) (March 2020; Location: Paraty, RJ)

Training for soil classification and analysis

Marcondes and a Quilombola farmer in an agroforestry system