Katia Carolino participates in the 25th APDR Social Innovation Workshop Towards Sustainability: Facing Contemporary Challenges for Regional Development

Written by Katia Carolino

The 25th APDR Social Innovation Workshop Towards Sustainability: Facing Contemporary Challenges for Regional Development, took place from September 28 to October 2, 2020, at CES - Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra (Portugal).

The event aimed to promote reflection and knowledge sharing on social innovation practices linked to sustainability and regional development. At this event, Professor Marcos Sorrentino and I submitted an abstract showing the innovations in Public Policies for Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture in the Municipality of São Paulo (Brazil), how, for example, the possibility of access to public and private land, the collective use of the soil, incentive to agroecological production, commercialization, among others.

Although such innovations are of paramount importance to change the current agricultural production in Brazil, they are not sufficient to promote self-sufficiency in food production in cities and, consequently, food sovereignty.

Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra (Portugal)


Katia Carolino's presentation


The presentation can be accessed through the link: